Krist Sergeeva

Welcome to silent beauty from Finnish Archipelago


Krist Sergeeva (1980) is a visual artist and photojournalist based in Finland. She specializes in creating abstract minimalist works that emphasize the beauty and harmony of nature. Her art reflects a profound respect for the natural world and an exploration of its multifaceted fragility.

Krist's studio is located in Turun Art House, where she dedicates herself to developing her creative language. It is a space for experimentation and discovery, where techniques are combined and new forms of expression are born.

Her art is part of private collections in Finland, Germany, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom, demonstrating her ability to connect with an international audience through her creative exploration of Nature.


2009-2011 Faculty of Photojournalism named after U.A. Galperin St. Petersburg, Russia
Krist Sergeeva

The artist at work

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